Thursday, January 30, 2014

”Ain’t no place like the Virgin Islands”

On our second day, we visited Good Hope Country Day School, which is a combined school. That means that kindergarten, middle school and high school are all in the same place. We participated in some of their lessons and talked to some of the teachers. Our driver, Mr. Bannis, drove us to the school early in the morning. We all loved their way of educating. It's really different compared to the Danish way.

The Prison
Later on we went to meet George Tyson at his house on the remains of an old plantation. After 15 minutes of interesting lecture on the different sections of a plantation, Mr. Bannis drove
Mr. Tyson and us to se some other plantations, two churches and last but not least an old prison where enslaved people were imprisoned convicted of various (according to the law at that time) criminal activity. Sadly, it is very close to collapse. Bushes and trees have taken over the old prison and because of lack of interest in maintaining the place, it is very, very run down. But it was also very beautiful in an odd way. The whole “Nature is dominant” really shined through. We decided to stay a little in Christiansted. Henrik and Henrik (our teachers) went to a Sea Food restaurant called “Angry Nate’s”. We went to Protestant Cay in Christiansted harbor for a swim. When we came home we made our own dinner. Chicken sandwiches. Then we had some ice cream and after that we went to bed.

The Cay at Christiansted Harbor

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